Thursday, March 26, 2009

I've been putting off posting this for about two weeks because I don't like to jinx things, but I think things are definite enough now to go ahead and tell this. We've been cleared by Dr. Hosing, my stem cell transplant doctor, to return to Austin now, well ahead of schedule! We have an appointment with my dermatologist here, Dr. Duvic, on Monday. It's always possible that she might see something that would make her want us to stay in Houston, but I think that's unlikely. So, theoretically, we could return to Austin on Tuesday, March 31. However, our wonderful house-sitter, Susan, has had this sprung on her at the last minute and now has to find a place sooner than she had planned on, so we're not counting on March 31. Our rent here is good through April 8, so we're hoping to be back by then. My wife and I are so very excited to be returning soon to see our home, our hometown, and our hometown friends. Later today or tomorrw I'll post more about the particulars of why this is happening sooner than expected. Right now, I just want to post it.


  1. Ditto that "WOOOOOO HOOOOOO" and that "ALL RIGHT!" This is SPLENDIFEROUS news!

    Don't come home until April 8th - I need time to schedule U2, The Dixie Chicks, The Rolling Stones, Leahy, and a few local groups for your block party the following weekend! ;>)

    Seriously, what a relief! We're looking forward to hearing the particulars on this early turn of events, and of course, the inevitable precautions that are bound to follow after such a course of treatment you've been thru. Does this mean I'll need to scale the block party down to 3 or 4 bands? ;>)

    You're in the home stretch, Dude (and majorly supportive Dude-ette)! Yeah!

    PT n JC

  2. How about we have Sigur Ros and Brian Jonestown open for the Coffee Sergeants?

  3. You can't imagine how much a person who has never met you can rejoice in this celebration. Here's to a happy homecoming. Say hi to Dr. Duvic for me. Judy

  4. Michael, Liz, Jimmy and I are so happy to hear this good news. We wish you all the best and look forward to seeing you soon!
