Saturday, April 4, 2009

We're Back Home!

We got back to our hometown this afternoon (Saturday) about 1. We're pretty much wiped out. I think that has more to do with the emotional release of getting back than with the effort involved. We're extremely happy to be back, and I expect we'll be even happier tomorrow after a good night's sleep. Thanks again to Susan, our house-sitter, who kept the place looking great. It was a tremendous relief to feel that our house was in good hands. And thanks again to all who sent messages and thoughts of goodwill during our Houston sojourn.


  1. HOORAY and congratulations!!!! and thank you for writing so clearly about the journey you and elbee have been on... Sending you all the best for your continued good health!!!

  2. I'm glad you are back and hope to see you asap.
