Monday, February 23, 2009

After Dr. Hosing reduced my tacrolimus dosage on Thursday, it seemed to us that my resurgent MF symptoms had begun to back off by the weekend, much to our relief. I had an infusion appointment today (Monday) and also saw Dr. Hosing and the rest of my stem cell team. Her nurse agreed that it looked like I had improved from Wednesday. We're hoping this means that backing off the immune suppression drug is allowing the new immune system to start fighting the MF. Dr. Hosing had consulted with Dr. Duvic after last week's flare-up, and Duvic wanted to take a look at me today as well. We got the impression from Hosing that Duvic might want me to resume photopheresis treatments, but twice a week, not twice a month like we did during the first half of last year. We weren't looking forward to that possibility, but after Duvic saw me this afternoon, she says she wants to give the tacrolimus-reduction strategy some more time to work before trying anything else. She talked us down quite a bit today. She says that an MF resurgence after a transplant is not unusual. We're breathing a little easier tonight.


  1. Encouraging news for all of your loving followers,friends and family! Your time and effort to keep us posted is very much appreciated. So thanks for the updates!


  2. What a rollercoaster. I hope you're able to keep an even keel. Talk to y'all soon!
