Thursday, January 29, 2009

Liberation Day!

They released me today from MDACC! We're back at the apartment. It was so great to be outside again after 3 weeks and 3 days. Not that I was counting or anything. I'll post more tonight or tomorrow, because right now I'm exhausted and really looking forward to a nap in a non-hospital bed. More later.


  1. great news! i'm so happy for you and your 24-hour companion

  2. YEAH Dad!!! Bijou, Bunny and I went in the back yard and did the Happy Cat Dance for you today...when you get back to the "Sunshine" we are going to teach you to dance! We are all purring pretty proud today! I even ate extra for you tonight-knew you would insist on it. We all love you Dad and this is the happiest day we have had in a long time!

  3. Ginormous excellence!!

    I look forward to news about the new schedule and how that works out, if you report back to MDACC at the same time every day or what. And how long these visits take out of your day.

    Keep on eating those Wheaties!
